Final Determinations on Antidumping Duties & Countervailing Duties AD/CVD for Paper Bags

Import Director

May 21th, 2024

3 Minutes

[Washington DC], [May 20, 2024] — In a landmark decision set to reshape the global packaging industry, the U.S. Department of Commerce has announced the final determinations on antidumping duties (AD) and countervailing duties(CVD) for certain paper shopping bags imported from eight major trading partners.

What does it mean?

This decisive action imposes significant tariffs on imports from China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Colombia, Malaysia, Portugal, Taiwan and India, marking a crucial step in protecting American manufacturers from unfair trade practices.

The new antidumping duties and CVD rates, are poised to dramatically increase the costs of importing paper bags from affected countries. With duties as high as 146.32% for some Chinese producers and additional CVD rates up to 172.36%, the financial landscape for importers and retailers relying on these suppliers will be fundamentally altered.

Antidumping and Countervailing Duties for Paper Shopping Bags

Industry experts warn that these measures could lead to substantial price hikes for consumers and potential supply chain disruptions, as businesses scramble to adjust to the new economic reality. Meanwhile, manufacturers in countries not affected by these duties, such as Indonesia, are expected to gain a competitive edge, offering a more stable and cost-effective alternative for high-quality paper shopping bags.

A summary of the country- and company-specific rates is available on the International Trade Administration website.

Attempting to import paper shopping bags from these 9 countries without payment of the AD CVD cash deposits and duties may result in swift penalties. This means trying to import paper bags under the incorrect HTS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule) instead of using 4819030.0040 and 4819.40.0040 will not be tolerated.

One point to be aware of will be the impact of cash deposit rates, which is the cash due based on the cash deposit rate at the time of importation, which is a provisional measure until the final duties are determined.

paper bags made in Mexico and Indonesia
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Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the implications of this ruling, featuring insights from industry leaders, economists, and stakeholders across the supply chain. you need more detailed examples or have specific scenarios in mind, feel free to ask!

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