What is EUTR & EUDR Compliance

Sustainability Director

July 15th, 2024

3 Minutes

The EU Timber and Deforestation Regulations are important rules to stop illegal logging and use wood responsibly. For luxury brands that care about doing the right thing, checking if their packaging partners follow these rules is crucial.

At IDP Direct, we make sure we follow both EUTR and EUDR rules carefully. We have top certifications that help us lead the way for luxury brands that care about the environment.

Even though luxury brands want to be eco-friendly, many find it hard to always follow these rules.

EUTR compliance
European Union Timber Regulation
Sustainable timber sourcing

What Even Is The Difference Between EUTR & EUDR?

Both regulations help protect our trees and ensure that products/packaging are forest-friendly, but one is newly stated and covers more bases. (European Union).

European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR):

  • Around since 2013
  • Stops illegal timber from being sold in the EU
  • Companies must check their products

European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR):

  • Started in 2023
  • Stops illegal timber from being sold in the EU
  • Companies must check their products
  • Covers more products
  • Makes sure products aren’t from deforested areas
Ethical timber sourcing
Timber traceability
Timber due diligence
Luxury brand sustainability

Is Your Brand Secretly Supporting Illegal Logging?

Understanding a packaging partner’s compliance these regulations is important to a brand’s reputation because they ensure that products are sourced responsibly, without contributing to illegal logging or deforestation. Compliance with EUTR & EUDR demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, enhancing the brand’s appeal to conscientious consumers.

Countries Affected

Having these regulations apply to all 27 EU member countries, compliance with these regulations is crucial for luxury brands aiming to uphold their sustainability commitments. Ethical sourcing of timber products not only meets legal requirements but also enhances brand reputation and consumer trust.

How IDP Direct Supports Sustainable Sourcing

IDP Direct’s certifications support compliance with the EU Timber Regulation and Deforestation Regulation through many ways:

  1. Due Diligence Systems: FSC certification helps businesses conduct required due diligence assessments, providing tools for risk assessments and managing supply chain data efficiently.
  2. Traceability and Transparency: FSC offers robust traceability systems, including the FSC Chain of Custody Certification and upcoming blockchain technology, ensuring compliance at all points in the supply chain.
  3. Alignment with Legal Requirements: FSC certifications meet many legal and social requirements of the EUTR and EUDR, demonstrating that products come from responsibly managed sources.
  4. Support and Guidance: FSC provides ongoing support and resources, including updated standards, step-by-step guidance, and technology platforms for data management.

Leveraging FSC certifications, IDP Direct can ensure that our packaging meets the standards required for EUTR and EUDR compliance, reducing regulatory burdens and enhancing market access within the EU.

Our factory in Indonesia.

Learn More About Our Commitment to Sustainability

By focusing on EUTR & EUDR compliance, IDP Direct sets a high standard for eco-conscious luxury brands. As the urgency of sustainable sourcing intensifies and the gap between ambition and achievement widens, our initiatives highlight the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving sustainability. Together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future. Contact us to learn more.

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